Radio Holland

Connecting customers

Radio Holland is well-known in the worldwide maritime industry as global NavCom, Connectivity, ICT on board and service & maintenance provider. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Radio Holland connects its customers to an unrivaled global service network of 70 offices along the global shipping routes. Radio Holland delivers technical service expertise which helps customers run a smarter, more profitable business with less downtime and lower operational expenditures. Our technicians are experts in maritime electronics who deliver top quality, on-the-spot services. Radio Holland offers cost-saving service agreements and remote monitoring maintenance support to vessels at sea around the world.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Contact information.


Sluisjesdijk 87
3087AD, Rotterdam

Postal address:

P.O. Box 5068
NL-3008 AB Rotterdam
The Netherlands